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What Clients Are Saying

We would highly recommend Kurt for any Real Estate transaction. We can't say enough about his knowledge and kindness. Kurt took time to explain step by step the whole Real Estate transaction. It was wonderful working with such a kind man. In 2 years we had 3 other realtors try and sell our home. Kurt had us under contract in less than 2 months.

L Adames

G Aguilera

Such a kind man!

We were out-of-town buyers. Every house we wanted to purchase was sold before we could fly down to look at the house and make an offer. Kurt offered creative solutions and when we found the perfect home, he had us under contract less than a day after the house hit the market. He was with us every step of the way and we now have the home we always wanted in Myrtle Beach. Kurt went above and beyond to make sure we got the house we wanted. 

Mike M & Liz W

Completely focused on us